"How to Write & Publish a #1 Best-Selling Children’s Book to Amazon® in 7 Days or Less!"
Plus We’ll Email You a Complimentary Copy of the Children’s Book Formula Cheatsheet and Class Summary for FREE When You Watch the Presentation…

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Join me and Jay Boyer today as we take you “behind the scenes” into one of the most fun & lucrative online businesses around — children’s book publishing!
That’s right, Jay’s has sold millions of dollars of Kindle and print books inside this profitable kids book niche — and on this free training he’ll reveal a simple 3-Step Formula showing YOU exactly how to write, publish and profit a best-selling kids book of your own to Amazon… in the next 7 days!
Here’s just a small sample of what you’ll discover:
✔ How to come up with a best-selling book idea in 3 minutes! – even if you’ve never done anything like this before…
✔ How to load up your children’s book with amazing illustrations that kids will love! (yes, even if you can’t draw a straight line…)
✔ How to publish & launch your children’s book quickly and easily — and send it to the Amazon Best-Seller list in less than 48 hours!…
He’ll also be walking you through a complete Case Study of how he wrote his first best-selling children’s book with his 8-year-old son Joe… which has gone on to earn enough royalties to pay for Joe’s college education!
Sign up right now, and I’ll see you on this special free workshop.

Special Guest Expert: Jay Boyer
Jay Boyer specializes in helping writers become best-selling authors on Amazon. His Children’s Book Formula program has impacted the lives of thousands of students, many of whom have gone on to earn a full time income from their book royalties.
How to Become an Author and Make a Difference By Self Publishing a Best Selling Children's Book on
Have you ever thought about becoming a children’s book author? You thought up a fun character or a hilarious story, but you never got around to writing it down.
Maybe you read a book to your child or grandchild and thought, “I could do that!”
Or perhaps the thought of writing a children’s book has never crossed your mind, but you do need a way to make some extra cash and you’re exploring all options.
Either way, now is the time to take action.
Here are 10 important reasons why this is the perfect time to become a children’s book author…
1) Children’s books are evergreen. That means they never go out of style. Paleo or Keto cookbooks may come and go, but children’s books are here to stay. There is a new audience born every minute.
Parents, grandparents, childcare centers, preschools, kindergartens, libraries, and elementary schools are always on the lookout for new books to add to their collections.
2) Publishing is easier than ever before. At one time, you had to write your book and send it off to a publishing company. As an unknown author, your book would sit in a slush pile with hundreds of other books and probably never get noticed. The number of books that large companies publish each year has continued to decline, making it nearly impossible for new authors.
Due to online publishing, you don’t have to wait for someone else to publish your book. You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars at a printer to self-publish. Thanks to Amazon, you can publish your book at a low cost. This not only includes e-books, but also print books. You pay nothing to set this up. If a print book sells, Amazon keeps a portion of the price, so there are no upfront charges to publish.
3) They are fun to write! This is a chance to use your creativity and unleash your own Pippi Longstocking or Stuart Little into the world. At some point, every great character was simply a thought in someone’s head. What if they had never acted on those thoughts? We’d have no Anne of Green Gables or Charlotte and Wilbur.
Don’t let your great ideas go to waste. Write them down and share them!
4) You can write these with your child or grandchild. Instead of just reading books to them, ask if they have any story ideas. You might be surprised at what they come with. And think of how proud they’ll be to show their friends a copy of the book they helped write.
This will create memories with your child that they (and you) will treasure forever.
5) They don’t take a long time to write. If you’ve tried to write the great American novel, then you know how easy it is to bog down in the middle. The plotline drags, the characters get boring, and you finally put it away in a drawer for “later”.
When writing a children’s book, you can start and finish in a short amount of time. You won’t become overwhelmed with the project and give up somewhere in the middle of chapter twenty-five.
6) It’s your chance to make a difference. The importance of reading can’t be overstated. A child that can read well has a far better chance of doing well in school and excelling in their chosen career. While tablets and video games are invading every child’s life, it is even more imperative than ever to have fun, entertaining books that can grab and hold a child’s interest.
Remember when you first read about Laura Ingalls living on the prairie? Or when you laughed with your child while reading about Alexander’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day?
You can be part of creating these memorable characters and stories.
7) You can write from your own knowledge. Don’t worry, you don’t have to write a masterpiece. Maybe you just want to write about How to Catch a Fish or Running a Lemonade Stand for Extra Cash. Non-fiction is popular, too, if that’s the way you choose to go.
Topic ideas are endless, such as easy card tricks, drawing animals, taking care of your new puppy, or learning to count to ten in Spanish.
8) You don’t need hundreds of books to start making money. While you can start making money quickly, it’s up to you how much time and effort you put into your book writing career.
9) It’s profitable. Think of how happy you’ll be to receive checks from Amazon that help support your family or build your children’s college fund. Or maybe you’ll take a trip to Disney thanks to your story ideas.
10) Publishing a Children’s Book can be done from anywhere in the world. Want to travel more and not be tied to a 9 to 5 job? Need to escape your cubical to save your sanity? Want to see your efforts for extra work rewarded? Want to enjoy spending more time with your children and not have to beg for an afternoon off work to attend their soccer game?
Publishing children’s books can be your path to not only a more lucrative life – but one filled with more adventure and freedom.
However, there are some hurdles to getting started…
– What should you write about?
– Where do you find ideas?
– How do you find an illustrator?
– How do you market your book?
– How much money can you really make?
Don’t let your lack of knowledge hold you back. Get all your questions answered and learn how the experts do it…
Watch this free class for more information.
Now is your time. Take this first step and see where it leads you.
Jay Boyer
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